
the nine lives of chloe king

Last year I fell in love with "The Nine Lives of Chloe King" on ABC Family. What can I say. Total guilty pleasure show.

But anyway, I was very upset when they didn't schedule a second season. There were so many questions left unanswered. But then I found out that there were books. I was so excited! I'm not going to lie when I saw it was a trilogy I did get a little overwhelmed. Sometimes, I'm not the best with reading series, but these books I just couldn't put down!

Liz Braswell did such a great job creating the characters. I immediately fell in love with the story. There were a lot of differences, as I expected from the TV show. But, as usual, the changes created a deeper more intricate story then could ever be shown on the silver screen.

Although there were three books, they didn't read like three separate books. I think it would have driven me crazy to not have read all of the books at onces. And by at once I mean I basically sat down and read from one pm till about one am. I couldn't put them down.

The Fallen
Is the first of the trilogy. Braswell does a great job of building the characters and creating the atmosphere. At the end of this book there were so many more questions then answers. And by so many I mean it was a book of questions. Questions about what Chloe was and about the relationships between everyone. It was a great start to the series.

The Stolen
The second book was CRAZY. There was so much action, so much excitement, yet it was still building the story. Through the entire series there was a constant building of the relationship, but in this second book I think there was the most inter-relationship building. The web that Braswell built is so intricate.

The Chosen
The third and final book was, I think, the fast read of any of them. A lot of questions were answered, but at the end I was still left with so much un-answered. In a way I can't decide if it was the fact that I still had questions, or if I was so attached to the characters that I didn't want the trilogy to end.

There is so much that happens through the three books, All I can say is that they are such a fun, easy read. A great guilty pleasure read. I wish Liz Braswell would continue the series. I feel that there is still so much that she could do with the story. But for all my looking, I saw no glimpse of more books to come. Very sad.

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