
southern vampire series - living dead in dallas

Of course Sookie couldn't stay out of trouble for too long. Then again, it seems like trouble finds her. Within the first chapter Sookie already finds a dead body. Then is seriously injured by a maenade, but is saved by the Fangtasia vampires and a dawf doctor that Eric calls.

Eric loans Sookie to the Dallas vampires, but what she walked into was deeper then she could have imagined. Bill accompanied her as a body guard, but not even he could save her from everything.

The Dallas coven owned a bar and one of the vampires disappeared without a trace. Sookie uses her ability to help find the culprit behind the disappearance. But it could never be as simple as reading a few minds and giving them a simple answer. There was a trader in the mist of the coven.

Sookie and one of the covens' humans went undercover to a anti-vampire Church in Dallas to find the missing vampire. Bill,  of course wasn't overly fond of this idea, but there was nothing else they could do. After a series of unfortunate events at the Church Sookie discovers herself being saved some unlikely sources.  First Godrick a very ancient vampire, then a group of shape shifters come to her rescue.

Everyone ends up safe, maybe a little battered and brused, but safe. The lost vampire is returned home, and durring a celebration of his return the Church goes on the offensive and shoots into the house. Sookie shouts a warning saving the vampires at the party. Eric who had been there to observe the situation ends up protecting and saving Sookie. He also tricks Sookie into drinking a few drops of his blood, little did she know the repercussions that this will later have.

Once back in Bon Tons Sookie is determined to solve the murder of her friend that happend before she left. In order to do this she enlists the help of Eric, much to Bills distress when he finds out. The murder is solved but Sookie is learning that there are more supernatural beings in her world then she would have liked.

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