
southern vampire series - all together dead

No matter how hard Sookie tries she can't stay out of Vampire business. Even now that she's dating Quinn, a were-tiger, not a Vampire, she is still forced to go to the Vampire Conference as a part of Sophie-Anne's party.

Sookie can never seem to stay out vampire affairs, and that only seems to lead her to trouble. At the conference her job is to hear any trouble that may come to the Louisiana group. Barry the Bell Boy, the only other telepathy that Sookie has ever met is also there. He is a part of the Texas group and is there to serve the same propose.

With so many vampires in one place, trouble is just waiting to happen. Luckily, the Texas and Louisiana kingdoms are on good terms, that allows Sookie and Barry to work together. This ends up being a very good thing in the end and helps to save the lives of many vampires.

Quinn, Sookie's current supernatural boyfriend is in attendance of the conference to oversee cerimonies and parties that will take place durring the conference.

Queen Sophie-Anne has to go on trial for the death of her husband, the former King of Arkansas. This is just the beginning of trouble. With the help of Sookie the Queen wins her case and gains the kingdom of Arkansas. But the troubles are far from over, for the Louisiana vampires or Sookie. Once Andre, one of the Queen's guards realizes the power and benefits of having Sookie on their side he attempts to force a blood bond between them. Luckily, Erik steps in just in time to stop the connection. Instead Erik and Sookie create a stronger blood bond then had already been made. At the time the impact of this could not have been known.

Sookie and Barry catch wind of trouble going down, durring the day. Right when the vampires are the most venerable. Sookie, Barry and Quinn are able to sound the alarm. Sookie alerts Mr. Cataliades, the Louisiana layer, who saves the Queen and many of her guards. Sookie goes off and saves Erik and Pam.

After the initial attack the police come and start taking the vampires to a safe house, Berry and Sookie stay using their talents to help find survivors. Not everyone makes it out alive, but those that Sookie loves come out alright, maybe just a little worse for ware, but not everyone is so fortunate the death toll is high on all sides.

At the end of each book I think what more trouble could Sookie possible get into, This book is no different.

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