
southern vampire series - dead as a doornail

Charlaine Harris sure has a creative mind to come up with these story lines.

Once again, there is trouble in Bon Temps, go figure. This time someone is targeting the two natured. Jason is a suspect once again, somehow he always seems to be at the center of everything. But Jason has come to terms and enjoys his new life as a were panther and has no reason to go against other shifters.

Sam, the owner of Merlotte's who is a shifter was a victim of a shooter. Because of this shooting Sam sent Sookie to Eric for some help. (Eric doesn't remember anything about his time with Sookie, and yes, it is driving him crazy!) Eric lends Merrlotte's a bar tender Charles Twining, a pirate vampire, and sends Bubba along as well, just for good measure. Little did any of them know the help they would receive was not the solution.

As per normal, Sookies life is put in peral multiple times. One of these times is when a fire is set in her house at night. Sookie is saved by her fairy godmother, Bubba and Charles Twining. Bill is also there in record time. Sam ends up letting Sookie stay in an empty trailer while her house is being fixed, but even there she's not safe.

Tara, a high school friend has some vampire problems of her own. Sookie, with the help of Eric get her out of the awful situation. But like everything when it comes to Eric there is a cost. Eric wants to know what happened while he was under the spell, and Sookie gives in and tells him. What he finds out is a little more then he expected.

Once again Alcide brings Sookie into pack business, somewhat without her consent. This time to help with the pack master competition between his father and Patrik. Unfortunately, Alcide's suspicions are correct and Sookie ends up causing quite a scene. In all of this mess Sookie meets an interesting man, Quinn, but he is a mystery, one that Sookie is very interested in.

In the end all the bad guys are caught. Charles Twining goes to his true death and the shooter targeting shifters is taken care of. And once again, most of Bon Temps knows nothing of the extent of supernatural beings around them. 

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