
southern vampire series - definitely dead

Somehow, Sookie can never stay out of trouble, or is that she gets dragged into it?

Quinn, the mysterious man from the last book turns into a major player in this one, and by the end Sookie's lover.

Sookie is attempting to stay out of danger, but she ends up being forced into none the less. Her cousin, Hadley, has meet the true death and has left everything to Sookie and she must go to New Orleans to clean out her apartment and collect her things. Hadley, had disappeared from all knowledge years before so the fact she had been turned vampire came as a huge surprise. Not only was Hadley a vampire, but she was also the Queen of Louisiana, Sophie-Anne's favorite.

The apartment that Hadley lived in had been magically sealed by Amilia the landlady and a witch. The seal not only stopped intruders, but also halted all life and changes that might take place. What she sealed in there was quite a surprise to everyone.

The night after Sookies arrival, with the help of Amelia they are starting to organize Hadely's belongings and a new vampire attacks them from the closet. Because of the spell he had been in limbo between turning and not for the duration of the apartment being sealed. The man who was in the closet was a werewolf that had been missing since Hadely's death.

Claudine shows up to help Sookie after the new vampire attack. One of the things she does to help is to take Sookie shopping! She buys her a fairy tale dress since Sookie is invited to meet Sophie-Anne, an honor not often bestowed upon humans. The experience of meeting Sophie-Anne is one that is not to be forgotten. She lives in a manion in the middle of the city, with no expenses spared.

Sophie-Anne is recently married to Peter the Vampire King of Arkansas. Peter is not a very nice vampire and it is clear he is not entirely pleased with the union. Durring the meeting with the Vampire Royals, Sookie tells of the plan that the witches have to show what happened at Hadelys apartment the night of her death. Sophie-Anne is very interested in this spell and goes with Sookie to watch the spell be cast, and the outcome is surprising to everyone, but is inconclusive to the identity of the killer. But Sophie-Anne has a secret, one she was hoping the spell would cast a light on, however now her only hope is Sookie.

Quinn is also in New Orleans and while he is spending time with Sookie they are abducted by a pair of were's. Sookie's time in New Orleans is one disaster after another, then another, and another. At first they think this abduction has to do with Hadely's death or the vampire found in the closet, but Sookie manages to put the pieces together in time and figure out that the real people behind the attack are the Pelts Family. The suspect, and rightfully so, that Sookie knows more about the disappearance of Debbie then she is letting on. With the help of Eric and the fact that Quinn is a were-tiger everyone walks away with their lives.

Quinn is in New Orleans for work, he is a party planner for supernatural events. There is a party that is being held in honor of the union of Sophie-Anne and Peter. Like everything in Sookie's life this party ends up being much more then a get together among friends. Sookie found the bracelet that Hadely had stolen from Sophie-Anne. If the bracelet had not been on the Queens wrist a war could have broken out between the King and Queen. As it was the King was going to start a war at any cost, but what he didn't know was the cost would be his life.

The day after the party Sookie along with Amilia, Bob the cat (a man that was transformed by Amelia's spell gone bad) and a man to drive the truck head back up to Bon Temps.

Sookie really can't catch a break. Can she?

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