
the lunar chronicles

Honestly, I wasn't quite sure what to expect when starting these books this morning. Yes, I said this morning. As soon as I started the pre-quill Glitch, I was hooked. I knew from the title that it was going to be a Cinderella type story, but what I got was so much more.

Marissa Meyer creates a world in the future that is so simple, yet so perfect. Glitch, is just an introduction to this world. You get to meet the "evil step mom" and learn about Cinders special talents that make her so valuable and unique.

From the beginning, I knew there would be something very special in store for this amazing character. I couldn't wait to find out what adventures Cinder would have with her new friend, Iko, a house robot she repaired, by her side. And so, as soon as I turned the last page of Glitches, and met family that Cinder was left with I couldn't wait to start in on Cinder, and was so glad I was just a few clicks away from page one.


Cinder, has not had it easy since her adoptive father was taken away after catching Letumosis, a plague that has been ravaging the earth with no cure. The story opens just as you might expect any Cinderella Story to open, with our wonderful pure young woman totaling away for the family that never wanted her to begin with.

Along with Iko, Cinders one true friend and ally, Cinder runs a small stand at the market where she is known as the best mechanic in the area, but the real mystery is that she has her tallent because she is a cyborg. One day, when the prince shows up at her stand needing repairs done her world takes a drastic change from the status quo.

Through a series of unlikely events, Cinder ends up as a test subject agains the deadly desase. However, this takes her to the exact place she should be. A place that she learns more about herself and how special she really is.

And don't forget about falling in love with the hansom prince and saving the kingdom from great evil. But honestly, what Cinderella Story would be complete without that?


The Lunar Chronicles will continue in 2013. Ug. I know, I hate having to wait as well. The next story will carry on with Cinders adventure, but also introduce the character of Red Riding Hood. Hum. I wonder where all of this will take our little Cinderella character. All I know, is I can't wait to find out! 

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